Secure Your Virtual Data Through A Digital Risk Assessment

Starting your own business is a big endeavor, one that needs to be kept safe. Learn tips for improving the security of your establishment.

Secure Your Virtual Data Through A Digital Risk Assessment

Secure Your Virtual Data Through A Digital Risk Assessment

3 April 2018
, Blog

Companies today rely on their digital information, often more than their physical assets. From small businesses to large enterprises, many companies find that they are experiencing more serious digital attacks. An enterprise vulnerability assessment can help an organization both identify and mitigate many of its risks. Here's what you need to know about conducting a digital risk assessment.

Locating Your Data Sources 

Where is data being held and how is it being secured? At this time, an enterprise physical security risk assessment has to be completed; regardless of the digital security system, physical security is still paramount. If it's possible for individuals to simply walk up to a server, the digital security system may not matter.

Every copy of digital data must be treated with the same security levels as the data itself, and copies of this data should be properly controlled and maintained. Backup solutions should also be identified at this time. Data must be backed up both on-site and off-site to ensure that backups remain in the wake of a physical disaster. Backups should be encrypted, especially if they are in an accessible location such as the cloud.

Assessing Your Current Technology and Software

Enterprise risk assessment software can be used to identify gaps in security. If an organization's current risk assessment solutions aren't meeting its needs, it may be time to upgrade the product. Upgrading technology should happen at regular intervals to ensure that the organization is protected from the most current and insidious cyber attacks. 

New security solutions such as biometric scanning or card scanning functionality can be used to limit employees to only the areas that they need access to, thereby greatly reducing the potential for security risk to digital assets.

Training Your Employees

Employee training must be a continual process. As technological hurdles arise and new challenges are encountered, employees should undergo training. New employees should be briefed on the security standards of the organization, and any issues related to security should be corrected as soon as possible.

Security processes should be outlined in the employee manual, to ensure that employees are all universally aware of their requirements and that employees understand the consequences related to failing to follow security processes.

Though it is impossible for a business to eliminate its risk completely, it can mitigate the majority of it through regular risk assessments. A digital risk assessment can protect an organization's most vital assets, ultimately protecting its bottom line.

About Me
Protecting a Business Investment

A few years ago, a dear friend of mine decided to open a family restaurant in my hometown. Opening an eatery had been a lifelong dream of hers. Fortunately, she enjoyed early success at her business establishment. The comfort food and welcoming atmosphere at the restaurant helped her secure several, repeat customers quickly. Sadly, a few of the people who ate at her restaurant didn’t pay for their meals. Due to this issue, she installed state-of-the-art security cameras at her place of business. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of security cameras to install in restaurants. Enjoy!
